Monday, February 16, 2009

Class from Febtober ninth

I love words. I've always loved words. When I was young, I would often speak in spoonerisms, much to the annoyance of my poor mother and teachers. I used to read books on secret codes and how to speak in Pig Latin and other pseudo-languages because I loved words. Naturally, last week's presentation by Rachel and Officer Stephanie really reached out to me. I was partnered with Lillian, and between the two of us we learned some new words and puzzled out the meanings of others. I was inspired to go home after class and google "Top Ten weirdest words" and see what I could find. I found a list with the words they used with the class, along with some choice other words. Click here to see that list.


Jodi said...

Otally-tay un-fay. Ou-yay re-ay o-say ool-cay.

El Chris said...


MaryT said...

yup...I used to babble to my imaginary friend during car trips. Only to interrupt myself and remind my mom that I wanted to know if I accidentally had started speaking German.

ps My verification word was praces, like I'm going praces now.

Bekir said...

That list does not make any sense to me.