Monday, March 16, 2009

Last week

Class was interesting tonight. I really liked how Mariya led a half-hour discussion with two questions, something which I could not accomplish. I suppose if I had to, I could fudge it, but I need more than that to take a half hour. I don't have the focus. :-)

I don't know if I would want to correct students as they made errors, because I think the hardest thing would be staying consistent. I think I would give up after a while, but it would make students rely on me too much, and if I stopped correcting them, they would have a very hard time discerning whether or not they had stopped making mistakes, or if I had merely stopped correcting them.


Bekir said...

I think there should be a balance between never correcting and correcting them always.

Jodi said...

I try not to correct anyone (except my husband) on verbal errors unless it is to clarify meaning. Or if it is just a very odd pronounciation of a word. Someone incorrectly pronounced once "linoleum" as "nanoleum" and it took me forever to figure out how it was supposed to sound. Hard word. - this link helped.