Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reaction to week ten class

I often joke that I sit in the back of the class because I'm Lutheran. If you've ever been in a Lutheran church, you'll notice that they fill from the back to the front. We Lutherans are a modest, sensible people and we don't like to draw attention to ourselves. This is a proven, scientific fact. Any good Garrison Keillor fan knows this. But there is also a darker, more sinister reason I sit in
the back.

I have the ADHD!

One thing that stuck out to me from class this week was Thea's comment on ADD/ADHD students. She said that the worst thing to do to an ADD student was to stick them in the front. When I was a little kid, I would often get put in the front of the class because it didn't appear as though I was paying attention when in reality, I was paying attention to EVERYTHING! It's far easier for me to sit in the back and watch everything that's happening in front of me than it is for me to sit in the back and twist around to see everything that's happening behind me.

Aside from that discussion, I also really enjoyed Mai and Kizuna's presentation. The game got me up and moving, and got me engaged in the content being presented. Kizuna and Mai worked together seamlessly and played very well off of each other's personalities, and all around I throughly enjoyed their presentations.


Stephanie Michaell said...

I love that you are so open about ADHD. It is so helpful to know what works for you and what does not work for you in a classroom.

Mai Nguyen said...

I didn't hear of ADD until Thea and you mentioned the term in class last week. And how i think about this is that everyone of us has some ADD in ourselves, it's just that some people have a larger amount than others or some are more willing to show it out than others. When i was in high school our classroom had two entrances and every time before class started our teacher must make sure that both of them were closed! Because if not all of us students would be easily disturbed by things/people that happen/go outside the classroom. We would keep looking out whenever someone walked by or there was any sound being made. Just so you know...

Also, thank you very much for your encouraging comment on our presentation. Though i'm old enough to self-evaluate my work and know how far i am going, i still find positive feedback a great source of motivation for me. =)